Professional Theater of the Great Western Catskills!

2020 Season: Soliloquies

There’s no doubt that 2020 has been a challenge for the Arts, and Franklin Stage Company is no exception. How, artists and producing companies ask, can we fulfill our mission safely, bring entertainment to our community, and work with at least some of the artists we admire?

This year, FSC is focusing on our building, Chapel Hall, but because we are a performance company, we also yearn for plays to work on. And so the Soliloquies at Chapel Hall Project was born. In this series, FSC sets some of the well-known speeches of Shakespeare in unique places in our historic building—places, by the way, where we’ll be undertaking renovation projects or have recently done so. In this way, masks on, we are able to continue to collaborate with and employ fellow artists, highlight our mission to restore Chapel Hall, and engage with our audience, albeit electronically. We hope you enjoy Soliloquies at Chapel Hall as much as we’ve enjoyed creating them.